The 20 Best Thesis Topic Ideas For Engineering Students

Engineering is a quickly developing area that is growing every day. Fields that are attached to engineering are numerous, so no matter what your specialization is, if you need a good thesis topic, you can always find one that you like. You can search both in libraries that collect plenty of research projects dedicated to engineering, and on the Internet where good thesis topics are available at relevant websites and in databases of samples of academic papers.

Below, you can find 20 interesting thesis topic ideas that you are free to use in your own project.

  1. Has the development of 3D design and 3D printing influenced the development of engineering on the whole?
  2. The influence of the development of artificial intelligence on the development of engineering and technologies.
  3. The meaning of liquid crystal technologies for the today’s development and functioning engineering sphere.
  4. Your vision of the future of nanotechnologies and their place in the general technical progress in the world.
  5. Laser then and today: the place of laser in the modern technological development.
  6. Development of the Internet since the moment of its invention, and prospects of further expansion.
  7. The place of nuclear power in the economy of today, and possible alternatives to nuclear power among renewable sources of energy.
  8. How can software that allows computers recognize human voices be used as aids for disabled people?
  9. Your vision of the future of electric cars. Are they true competitors to petrol engines?
  10. The role of fiber optic cables in the development of connection and Internet provision.
  11. The contemporary development of technologies that for special effects in film production.
  12. The connection between common devices of the present day and their prototypes described in science fiction literature decades ago.
  13. The practical uses and advantages that biometric signatures offer.
  14. A review of technologies for energy storage and involvement of renewable sources of energy.
  15. How installation of underground heat pumps can influence the energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings.
  16. Improvements to existing modes of transportation and storage of energy from the biggest solar power plants.
  17. The most effective transportation of energy that can make usage of solar power plants in a desert possible.
  18. Ways to make renewable energy, involving solar power, a mighty competitor to other sources of energy.
  19. What is an engineer in the 21st century? Global perspectives on engineering.
  20. Effective ways to clean water of biological and non-organic pollutants.


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