When you are working on a thesis or dissertation you are in for a long commitment. And this commitment is not just long but it is one of a kind. So while you may have had experience writing a handful of other essay types you have not likely had a great deal of experience working with this type.
That can make the writing process a bit tricky because you are unfamiliar with the format required of you. But this is where examples come in to play. Electronic format examples of theses and dissertations can show you everything you need to know about the format required of you. It can show you how your paper should be set up visually and it can show you how to lay out each section of your paper.
So where can you find electronic format examples of theses and dissertations?
Chances are your school library has a database connected to the library website or the school website. This database can be used to hunt down sources both electronically and those which are housed in the library itself. But another feature of this database system is finding previously published theses and dissertations. When a thesis or dissertation is approved and published by a former student it is often housed in the library either electronically or in print. Sometimes it can be found in both. Reviewing previously completed samples via the library website database is one of the fastest and easiest ways to find an electronic format example. It is also useful because you can search specifically for samples that were approved by your review board or committee. This enables you to see first hand what they considered high quality. This gives you an example against which to measure yourself.
There are multiple educational websites run by educational non-profits or teachers. These sites offer information on writing tips as well as examples of papers. You can find electronic versions of sample theses and dissertations so that you can compare and contrast them.
Another place to find them online is through writing service sites. Writing services often upload copies of works they have done in the past. This is a great way to find free samples online.
If you have a writing guide you can check the manufacturer’s website and see if the publisher has samples on their site as well.
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