A Selection Of Good Economics Master's Dissertation Topics

A dissertation in economics mean you would have to spend days and nights reading and researching for the relevant data and the right niche to address. Sometimes students already have the topic and subject area for their dissertation in their mind since the beginning of their degree. Others may have to find it after brainstorming and literature review of the available materials. It is important that whatever you do, you make the most out of this opportunity to express your opinions and bring your ideas to attention through your project. You will have this chance once in a lifetime or twice if you decide to continue with a doctorate in the subject. The dissertation will be your first published document under your name and institute so you need to make sure you serve it well.

The topic of your dissertation is important as well as crucial. For some students, it is the most time taking part because they spend months and semesters in only choosing the subject area to talk about. Once they have a topic or a thesis, it is easier to carry out research in that particular direction and find relevant data. You can devise a research methodology for data collection and analysis if you have a sound topic to move forward with. However, it is not as simple as it seems, students have a hard time choosing a unique and original topic that will add information to the readers and prove worthy for the subject field.

If you are to choose a strong topic for a dissertation in economics, then you should consider carrying out some background research. It is important that you understand the subject you are going to spend semesters on and have a sound knowledge of what needs attention. Once you have, an area to talk about you can easily brainstorm for fresh ideas and eliminate redundant and irrelevant ones through elimination process.

If you are having a hard time, creating a strong title for your dissertation you should consider the following ideas.

  1. The concepts of Macroeconomics
  2. Effect of war on economic development
  3. Opportunity cost and how does it work
  4. What is a liquidity trap
  5. Inflation versus deflation
  6. Oil prices, war and the economy
  7. Tariff and quotas
  8. Trade restrictions
  9. The great depression
  10. Marxism and capitalism
  11. Perfect competition


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