How To Write A Dissertation Methodology Section: Tips & Examples

When you are tasked with writing a dissertation, you should be happy to know that the methodology section is one of the easiest sections to complete. The section is straight-forward and formulaic, which is very different from writing the actual paper itself. One of the best ways to complete this section is to use someone else’s paper as a template. Fortunately, samples are easy to find, so you can use one to keep you on track. Here are a few tips to get the section done well:

Use an online writing lab. These online labs are designed by the best colleges and universities. They include samples of every type of writing as well as grammar assistance to write them clearly and concisely. The labs include samples of dissertations and theses using the common formatting like APA and MLA, so you can see the subtle differences.

Be honest with the steps you used. The methodology section is where you write about what you did to get the results you used in the paper. You should honestly include each step and what happened. You should include the outcomes that occurred during each step and anything else that is vital to that section. Someone might try to recreate your research, so your steps should be clear and accurately written.

Include the materials that you used. This section should not only include the methods that you used, but the materials that you used, too. Many dissertations require students to conduct real research using materials and subjects, so you should be very clear about the materials you used - especially if they were precisely measured or timed. If you used people, you should be sure to include the gender and ages of the subjects that were involved in your research. If you make mistakes in this areas, your research could be dubbed invalid and you might have to start over again.

Follow the formatting. When you have your sample to use, be sure to follow it closely. Since part of a dissertation is following the assignment format, you should not deviate from the style that your professor assigned. These formats were developed to keep continuity in dissertations and other papers so that readers would know what they are looking at and where the information was gathered. Cite your sources and use an appendix if necessary.


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