Engaging Thesis Topics In Economics In USA

Selecting a topic for a term or a research paper is far more tedious than writing it and when the subject is as boundless as Economics, narrowing down on a topic becomes frustrating and time consuming. Everything that we encounter in the real world falls under the domain of economics. But all you need to do is a methodical search; you should always begin with the bigger portion and simplify eventually. Choose the area that interests you, break the area into smaller chunks of categories and sub-categorizes and finally select few intriguing topics. To get you started, here are some topics that might capture your attention:

  1. Actions taken to modify the out-of-control trade deficits in the United States of America- America of late had been having a negative balance of trade of 10 trillion dollars in the last twenty years.
  2. Analysis of cost and benefits of registry of guns- This had been the looming problem in the US that is criticized by almost everyone starting from political leaders to general people.
  3. The effects of Middle Eastern conflicts on American economy- Oil and several other goods traded from the Middle East had been under radar for quite a few years, it is a good idea to have an in-depth study of this issue that could bring out the controversy up front.
  4. China, a growing economic power and its effects on United States of America- Trade between China and America had been ever growing since the last decade, coupled with sponsorship coming from Chinese businessmen; this topic could be a significant one.
  5. The interest rates levied by the US credit cards- The US National debt has grown by more than 50 % in the past six years.
  6. The issues concerning immigration and labor migration and how they impede regional economies.
  7. The impacts brought about by the outbreak of Ebola on the travel industry of the United States of America- Not only Ebola but also Zika are among the few threats to the American economy.
  8. President Obama’s best or worst economic policy in the year of 2014.
  9. Impacts brought about by the advancement of alternative, renewable energy sources on the economies of the US- this is a burning issue faced by the entire world.
  10. The effects of EU Referendum on the economic policies of the United States of America- with the exit of UK from the European Union, the American labors in the UK could also face difficulty.


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